Paladin% has released!


After many, many weeks of the sudden burst of energy, a substantial part of the next chapter of Memeal Mantasy has been released. The demo takes you up through the end of the Mountain of Plot Devices. Three hours for casual, two hours for experienced, less than an hour for speedrunners... maybe.

What's missing from the demo?

  • Proper run mechanics. Still working on how that's going to happen. Run works fine. Press R.
  • Spell timing needs extensive testing and tweaking. Cure spells fire near instantaneous.
  • Dancers. Why the dancers? Because after Fabul, I was ready for a break from elaborate sequence programming.

I'll answer some questions:

Question #1 - I found a glitch!
Answer - That didn't take long... But, that's not a question! I'm still interested. Leave a comment and let me know, and I'll try to zap that bug. I hunted down tons, but I'm sure there are many more.

Question #2 - Are you going to fix the glitch and update the demo?
Answer - Nope. Not unless it's significantly game breaking, because I do need testers.

Question #3 - Why are attacks like Darkness and Recall dummied out? Do they even work?
Answer - Because they were dummied out in 1991. And do they work? Yup. Every one of them works perfectly, with custom graphics (no joke). The question you should ask is... how do you activate them?

Question #4 - How do you activate them?
Answer - I see what you did there. Cute. Sorry. Not telling for now.

Question #5 - Can I power-level to see some better spells or if your algorithms are right?
Answer - Yup. Every Black Magic and White Magic spell functions properly, and every class levels properly up to 99. Even over level 70 gains are accurate down to the way they're calculate and applied.

Question #6 - When do you plan on releasing the rest of the game?
Answer - As I get it done. I might do a second push, or I may just push through to the end before I release it. The guts of the game are 90% there.

Question #7 - Any other secrets?
Answer - There is one. I'll be surprised if anyone finds it. But, it's only a mild spoiler.

Question #8 - Where is the HTML version?
Answer - I don't think that'll happen with this one. The game is already WAY bigger than Wun or FQ or FQR. I took a look at the compressed game with unused files excluded and said, "Nope."


Memeal Mantasy: Us, Too! PC Paladin% Edition 438 MB
Jul 13, 2023
Memeal Mantasy: Us, Too! MAC Paladin% Edition 482 MB
Jul 13, 2023

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